4 Don’ts To Avoid Overspending on Your Electric Bill

One of the most expensive bills for most households is the electric bill, which can increase significantly during the warmer and colder months. From running common appliances to keeping the home’s temperature comfortable, there can be a strong dependency on the electricity for most homes, which comes at a hefty price. For those looking to reduce their bill each season, there are a few easy changes to make to save hundreds of dollars annually.

Reduce the Temperature on the Water Heater

To take advantage of savings with the water heater, experts recommend reducing the temperatures from 140 degrees to 120 degrees. This will reduce the amount of energy that is lost when the water heater is on standby and can save up to $60 annually. This will also prevent scalding and can reduce mineral build-up throughout the year. Reducing the water heater’s temperature is an affordable task to perform and can be done by a Miami electrician.

Switch to Energy Star Appliances

Appliances that are at least 10 years old use more energy than recent models that are available. Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances, which use 10 to 50 percent less energy and allow more items to be washed in a single load. The investment with the new product can pay off in just a year with the amount that is saved each month.

Open Up the Vents

Although most people assume that closing off certain vents in the home will limit the amount of energy used, it can actually cause the air conditioner or heater to work harder to reach a certain temperature. After opening the vents, they should be cleaned by replacing the air filters each month, which can be performed by an electrician in Miami.

Reduce the Use of Heat

Heat is often needed for common appliances in the home, which include the washer and dishwasher. The heat can be attributed to 90 percent of the energy that the appliances use, making it important to wash the clothes with cold water and limit your reliance on a dryer. Try drying clothes for 15 minutes before air drying them on a clothesline outside.

When looking to reduce your electric bill, there are many practical ways of limiting your energy use without resorting to cold showers and washing your clothes by hand. Instead, small adjustments can add up to hundreds of dollars each year for adjustments that will still keep the home functional and at a comfortable temperature.

admin4 Don’ts To Avoid Overspending on Your Electric Bill