5-Point Home Electric Safety When Bringing Home a Newborn

If you are the parent of a newborn child, you must make sure that your home provides a safe environment for the youngster. Young children are naturally curious, which can put them in harm’s way. Here are five electric safety tips to keep in mind.

Tamper-proof outlets

From toys to coins, infants can stick a wide variety of different items into an electrical outlet. Replacing your traditional outlets with tamper-proof outlets will certainly help to keep your child safe. Even a small electrical shock can cause serious injuries to a young child. If you need assistance, feel free to contact an electrician in Miami.

Never leave light sockets exposed

Like an electrical outlet, exposed light sockets can also pose a threat to curious children. Toddlers can easily place their tiny fingers into an open light socket. Keeping a bulb installed in all of your home’s light fixtures will help to prevent electrical shocks.

Minimize the use of extension cords

Due to the fact that babies love to chew on various objects, it is a good idea to avoid using multiple extension cords. Small children can also trip over the electrical cords. If you do not have enough outlets in your home, a Miami electrician will be able to fix this issue.

Install a ground fault circuit interrupter

A ground fault circuit interrupter helps to protect everyone in your home from electrical shock. In the event that the system detects an excessive level of moisture, it will automatically shut off the power supply. Typically, GFCI units are installed in the kitchen and bathroom.

Keep a carbon dioxide extinguisher on hand

In an attempt to extinguish a blazing fire, some homeowners opt to douse the flames with water. However, water and electric do not mix. If you encounter an electrical fire, be sure to use a carbon dioxide extinguisher to smother the fire. This will help to keep you and your child safe.

Hopefully, these five tips will help to ensure the safety of your newborn child. Every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a safe home.

admin5-Point Home Electric Safety When Bringing Home a Newborn