7 Home Electrical Safety Tips

All homeowners and renters in Miami will use electricity inside their domicile at least once a day. Although electricity is something most people in the United States have used their whole lives, its awesome power and danger should not be taken for granted and overlooked. Here are some basic yet important tips from a Cutler Bay electrician that could save a life, home, or serious injuries from electrocution and electrical fires:

1. If appliances aren’t being used then unplug them and make sure to keep all dangling cords out of the reach of children.

2. Many appliances or equipment will generate heat, and they will need to have several inches around them of clear space and ventilation underneath for the product. These particular devices in the home should not have anything sensitive to heat that can catch fire thrown over them such as clothes, plastic toys, or any other items.

3. It’s imperative to keep electrical devices and appliances dry and away from water and, it is important to not handle cords or deal with electricity while wet, standing in water, or with wet hands.

4. Unused outlets should be blocked and never overloaded.

5. Electrical cords should be used properly, and they aren’t toys so use them for what they are manufactured for and make sure children don’t use them as a toy replacement like a jump rope.

6. Make sure all cords are secured with twist ties only and not with nails or staples, and never use a rug to cover up a cord because this prevents it from cooling properly.

7. An important tip for this list is that no one should ever attempt amateur repairs or upgrades. Leave that to a certified electrician in Miami.

These tips are important, but they are only part of a small list. Make sure to get into contact with a Miami electrician for any questions, additional safety tips, and resources. Make sure to respect all safety tips and use caution to ensure personal safety and the safety of loved ones.

admin7 Home Electrical Safety Tips