Here are 3 easy and cost-saving tips to reduce your electric bill each month. With some simple steps you can take each day and a few minor improvements, you might be surprised at how much you are able to slash that utility bill.
1. Do a Before Bed Once-Over on Appliances and Gadgets
Don’t leave your cell phone, laptop, and other chargers plugged in all night (charging or even plugged in). These drain small amounts of electricity that add up over the course of a month and year.
Turn off the cable box. Turn off any unnecessary lights. Do you really need a night light in the bathroom each night? Little items like this will make a big difference in your electric bill. Get into the habit of shutting them off.
2. Turn the Water Heater Down
Most people have their water furnace up too high at 140 degrees. Turning it to 120 degrees can add up to over $50/year according to the Environmental Protection Agency. If you live in warmer climates (like Miami or L.A. for example) it’s especially easy to have your heater set lower. Turn it off when on vacation! This can really reduce your electricity demand.
3. Have a Professional Run An Energy Audit
There are helpful Miami electricians out there who can do a thorough electricity audit of any wasted electricity that your home is using. A professional electrician can check your fuse box and detect any issues with old appliances. They can also help you ensure that your meter is matching your utility bill as this happens all the time (mistakes do occur in meter readings). Determine if newer Energy-Star appliances are in order and take advantage of rebates online through “Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, or DSIRE.”
Happy Savings!