How An Electrician Can Enhance Your Home Security

Home security is synonymous with alarm systems and strong perimeter fencing. Customers automatically call their alarm company for any security questions, but the electrician is another resource to keep every home safe in several aspects.


Electrical Panels

Residents may only visit their electrical panels when a breaker trips. This incredibly crucial component to common electrical systems is a main key to Miami home security. Ask an electrician about the breaker switches. The age of the home often dictates the safety of the breakers. Because they cost very little, take the electrician’s advice about replacement, if necessary. Old breakers are potential fire hazards as they age. Home security is greatly enhanced with new breakers, especially if the stucture’s ADT security in Miami uses this panel as a main power source.

Home Wiring Issues

Home security in Miami relies on strong electrical wiring to all the home’s outlets. If lights flicker or fail to turn on from a switch outlet, for example, ask the electrician to check for faulty wiring. Broken connections and frayed wires contribute to poor electricity reliability and may cause fires. Electricians use several tools to pinpoint poor wiring. ADT security in Miami, for example, cannot pinpoint intruders accurately without a steady electrical supply.

Electrical Outlet Issues

Older homes can have outdated outlets. For example, modern bathrooms use GFCIs, or ground fault circuit interrupter, outlets to protect users from electrical shock. Outlets are easily recognized from their two attached buttons, including test and reset. If the circuit overloads, the outlet shuts down until it is manually reset. An electrician can look through the home’s electrical outlets and determine where new GFCIs or basic outlets are needed. Because of water’s close proximity, GFCIs in the bathroom are critical for home security in Miami, for example.

Large Appliance Attachment

Air conditioners and washing machines require their own dedicated circuits. Running multiple appliances on one circuit leads to possible fire hazards and electrical shorts, greatly decreasing home security. Electricians carefully follow all circuits into and out of the electrical panel. Any appliances requiring a new circuit are quickly added in with an experienced electrician. If an electrician is not comfortable with a panel adjustment, check current licensing. All Cutler Bay electricians need to be licensed to work on any residential panels.

Landscape Lighting

Home security in Miami is greatly enhanced with landscape lights. Although they can be installed for aesthetic reasons, outdoor lighting plays a key role when hindering theft. Ask the electrician about flood lights. Install them so they point near an entry point, including front doors, and across driveways. Side doors are especially vulnerable to break-ins because they are often shielded with trees or shrubs. Electricians also set these lights for automatic activation, especially from movement. Customers save on their electrical bills, but remain safe at home with automatic lights. Even a perimeter fence benefits from motion-sensor lights, illuminating a walkway that is otherwise dark.

Enhancing Security

Along with ADT security in Miami and landscape lighting, ask the electrician about security camera systems. If an alarm rings in the house, for example, an automatic video starts recording on a small television system. While keeping the family safe, alarms, lights and cameras allow investigators to document actual intruders for possible capture. Trying to set up a complex alarm, lighting and camera system without a certified electrician undermines a properly balanced electrical system and may pose a risk to the home and family.

Electricians keep the home running smoothly with fire and personal safety in mind. Ask friends and family about a preferred electrician in the area. Workers with many years of experience enhance your security and may improve the electrical bill charges at the same time.

adminHow An Electrician Can Enhance Your Home Security