5 Unique and Creative Ways to Save On Your Home Electric Bill

Energy rates are steadily climbing up, and people are always looking for ways to bring the costs back down. You know to invest in fluorescent bulbs, and you’re all about turning the lights off when you leave a room. However, your bill just isn’t going down as fast as you’d like. Here are a few other ways you can bring your bill down to help yourself save money for years to come.

Change the Light Switches

You can now put motion sensor light switches in your rooms. If you have a room that’s constantly illuminated even when empty, then consider having a Miami electrician add this handy tool. This little sensor can be set to turn on for movement and shut the lights down after a set period of inactivity. It’s perfect for hallways, garages, utility rooms and outdoor areas.

Get the Smart Strip

We’re an electronic society, and we do love our gadgets. Most of our rechargeable gadgets come with bulky boxes that plug into the wall. Those boxes are pulling power even when your phone or iPod isn’t charging. Consider getting smart strips that you can shut down when nothing is being charged. Rather than unplugging your chargers, you just have to flip a switch on the surge protector.

Change the Lighting Plan

Floor lamps are commonly used in older homes, but they’re not very efficient. Rather than lighting the room one corner or section at a time, consider adding overhead lights, adjustable bar lights or recessed lights that can illuminate larger areas for less. An electrician in Miami can add the necessary wiring and box, and you’ll also make your home more appealing to future buyers.

Get the Smart Home

Considering making your home a little smarter with integrated systems. These control all of your home electronics and allow you to make adjustments remotely. It’s perfect for parents with latchkey kids who see themselves off to school. After they’re gone for the day, you can use your smartphone or Internet connection to turn off lights, make sure the television is shut down and even adjust the thermostat.

Consider Upgrades

Finally, consider making some upgrades when it’s time to replace appliances. Energy Star rated appliances pull less power to help you save money. In fact, some are so much better than older appliances that it might be cost-effective to replace systems before they actually stop working.

It is possible to lower your energy bill when you make the right changes. Before you start lecturing the kids about turning lights off again, you might want to look into some of these smart changes. They’ll help you save money while making your property more enjoyable.

admin5 Unique and Creative Ways to Save On Your Home Electric Bill