In a world where it seems almost everything needs “plugged in”, it can feel impossible to save money on your electric bill. Below are 6 essential questions to ask yourself when striving to save dollars on your next electric bill.
1. Are your laptops, desktops, and other home office equipment utilizing the “sleep” mode? Many times, even if a laptop is not in use, it is left charging and plugged into the wall. To save electricity, try plugging it in only when in use. Also, be sure to watch for un-used chargers left in the wall, as they are still using electricity!
2. Am I using cold water to wash my clothes as often as possible? Often times, the temperature of the water used to wash clothes does not need to be warm, or even hot. Switching to cold water as often as possible could save quite a bit of money in the long run.
3. When a room is empty, are the lights, stereos, televisions, and computers off? An easy thing to spot, but a hard habit to ingrain. Flip the switch down when leaving a room.
4. Could I stand to have the thermostat up 3 degrees? Keeping a house cool from the hot temperatures outside uses a lot of electricity. You could save a big amount just by keeping a warmer house!
5. Have I turned down the temperature on my water heater? Just as it pays to keep the house warmer, it pays to keep the water cooler. Whether you are using it or not, your water heater keeps a certain amount of gallons ready for use. Switch it to a lower setting and enjoy the savings.
6. Are my windows well insulated? Leaky windows lead to leaky wallets. If you are unable to replace your old windows right away, try finding temporary alternatives.
Have a different question that you want answered? Contact a Miami electrician, and begin saving money today.