Seasonal Electricity Saving Tips: Spring 2014 Edition

With the uncertainty of the weather patterns a person has to do what they can to keep their house at a comfortable temperature. People spend a lot of money on heating, cooling, and general electric use. There are some tips to help a person save money on their electric bill and reduce their electric usage.

The sun is a natural source of light and heat. If a person opens their curtains during the day the sun will help heat the home. It will also let in light so there will not be a need to turn on electric lights or lamps. When the sun goes down the curtains should be closed to help keep the heat in. Drafty windows are also a problem for many homes. If a person is not able to replace their windows they can be covered with clear plastic. This will help keep the heat in the home and stop it from escaping out the window. In the warmer months it will also help keep the air conditioning from escaping.

Adjusting the thermostat will also help save money on the electric bill. When a person is home they should make the temperature comfortable. When a person goes to bed they need to turn the thermostat down at least ten degrees. This will help save 10% a year on the heating and cooling costs. Investing in energy efficient or a programmable thermostat will also help save money. If the temperature of a water heater is turned down this can also lead to big savings.

Proper home maintenance is needed to not only keep the home safe but keep the costs down. Pipes should be inspected for leaks and any and all leeks repaired. Gaps around windows, chimneys, and ceiling also need to be repaired. During the winter hot air will escape through these openings and cold air will come in. People work hard and should not have to waste their money. Consider contacting a Miami electrician to professionally inspect areas where you can save more electricity. These tips can help a person save hundreds of dollars a year on their electricity use throughout the seasons.

adminSeasonal Electricity Saving Tips: Spring 2014 Edition