10 Ways to Save on your Electric Bill

As the cost of living continues to rise, we all look for different ways we can cut costs and save some of our hard earned money. When examining your budget, be sure to look at your electric bill and keep these tips in mind for ways you can reduce your electrical costs every month.

1. Creating a Temperate Climate
Seasonal weather changes can raise or lower the cost of your electric bill each month, but to avoid too much fluctuation pick a comfortable temperature and stick to it. In the winter, remember that each degree above 68 can add three percent to the amount of energy needed to heat your home. You can also budget for weather changes, but keeping a set temperature during the season will help conserve energy and reduce your overall costs.

2. Weather Proofing
Another way to conserve the energy you’d spend on heating or cooling your home is to weather proof. In the winter, make sure cracks are filled with caulk and put plastic over the windows to keep cold air out. The caulking will also help in the summer by keeping the cooler air in, and take advantage of cooler days or winds by installing ceiling fans and opening windows when feasible.

3. New Appliances
Check the efficiency of your appliances such as the fridge, water heater, AC unit and stove. You may be spending extra money by running these appliances when they’re using much more energy than newer models. Consider purchasing new appliances, and think of it as an investment that will give you returns on the money you’ll save in electric costs. The same can be said for televisions, computers, and even thermostats.

4. Unplug and Conserve
One of the easiest things you can do to conserve energy is to unplug an item when you’re not using it. TVs, DVD Players, gaming consoles and even the toaster can draw power when not in use. Unplug these items to conserve a little bit and overtime it could add up to some savings on your overall electrical costs.

5. Switch the Lighting
Another easy step is trading out old incandescent light bulbs for LED models. LED lights have come down in price in recent years and can last up to ten years! These are not only cost effective for saving on your electrical bill, but they’re also better for the environment and safer to have in the house than the older incandescent bulbs.

6. Cool the Hot Water
In addition to monitoring the temperature of your house, keep track of your water heater as well. Keeping the temperature of your hot water heater at 120 degrees will not only prevent scalding water conditions, but can save you $36-$41 annually on energy costs.

7. Air and Furnace Filtering
Regularly changing the filters on your AC or furnace will help the appliance run more efficiently, but if you really want to save money in the long run look for a permanent reusable filter. These filters can be cleaned monthly and then put back in the appliance to help it run more efficiently, and you can recoup the cost of the permanent filter within 15 months if cared for properly.

8. Budgeting Cost and Consumption
Consider negotiating budget billing with your electrical company, and then monitor energy usage by comparing what your meter says with what the number on your bill reads. If your meter usage is lower than your bill indicates, your electrical company could be overcharging you and you can adjust the budget accordingly. Many companies offer primers on how to read your meter, or they can be found on the internet to educate you and help save on costs.

9. Air Dry
An easy DIY project that can also save on energy costs would be a clothes line. During warmer seasons, hang dry your clothes for a fresh smell and reduced cost by not running the dryer. If you must use the dryer because the weather is poor, use the lowest heat setting and don’t over fill the dryer to allow air to circulate better and dry clothes in less time.

10. Consult with an Electrician
This list above is by no means comprehensive, but it’s a good place for one to start when looking for ways to save on their electrical bill. Many electricians want to help you on this path, so consult with your provider for additional steps and reap the financial rewards with just a few simple changes to your routine or adjustments to appliances.

admin10 Ways to Save on your Electric Bill