6 Questions that May Save You Money on Your Next Electric Bill

In a world where it seems almost everything needs “plugged in”, it can feel impossible to save money on your electric bill. Below are 6 essential questions to ask yourself when striving to save dollars on your next electric bill.

1. Are your laptops, desktops, and other home office equipment utilizing the “sleep” mode? Many times, even if a laptop is not in use, it is left charging and plugged into the wall. To save electricity, try plugging it in only when in use. Also, be sure to watch for un-used chargers left in the wall, as they are still using electricity!

2. Am I using cold water to wash my clothes as often as possible? Often times, the temperature of the water used to wash clothes does not need to be warm, or even hot. Switching to cold water as often as possible could save quite a bit of money in the long run.

3. When a room is empty, are the lights, stereos, televisions, and computers off? An easy thing to spot, but a hard habit to ingrain. Flip the switch down when leaving a room.

4. Could I stand to have the thermostat up 3 degrees? Keeping a house cool from the hot temperatures outside uses a lot of electricity. You could save a big amount just by keeping a warmer house!

5. Have I turned down the temperature on my water heater? Just as it pays to keep the house warmer, it pays to keep the water cooler. Whether you are using it or not, your water heater keeps a certain amount of gallons ready for use. Switch it to a lower setting and enjoy the savings.

6. Are my windows well insulated? Leaky windows lead to leaky wallets. If you are unable to replace your old windows right away, try finding temporary alternatives.

Have a different question that you want answered? Contact a Miami electrician, and begin saving money today.

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5 Habits To Prevent Electric Hazards in Your Home

The electrical system in your Miami home can present many hazards to you and your family. Carelessly using electrical appliances or letting the system go without maintenance can cause real problems. Here are some habits you need to have to prevent electrical hazards in your home.

Wrap Up Cords When Done With an Item or Appliance

The first habit to have is wrapping up cords when done with an item or appliance that has an electrical cable. Do not leave the cords sitting out. They can be easily damaged over time making them an electrocution hazard. Additionally, loose cords plugged into an outlet could be pulled so hard it the end breaks leaving the metal connectors in the outlet and creating a problem.

Never Touch Cords, Plugs or Outlets When Wet

Electricity and moisture do not mix in your Miami home. Get into the habit of never touching cords, plugs or outlets when they are wet. Do not touch them when your hands are wet or even a little moist. Dry everything off first before trying to handle electrical cords, outlets or appliances.

Do Not Ignore Electrical Problems

Develop the habit of never ignoring electrical problems around you home. If an outlet gets incredibly hot, a switch shocks you or burning smells appear from an appliance, then call a Miami electrician immediately. The electrician will fix the problem. This will keep your home safe and prevent potential electrical fires from starting.

Stagger Where Electronics Are Plugged In

The outlets around your house in Miami are designed to handle only so much electricity. Get into the habit of staggering where electronics are plugged in. Try to limit the number of things plugged into a single outlet to just two or four. Avoid filling every outlet with fully loaded surge protectors. This will reduce the chance of encountering many different types of electrical hazards.

Update Old and Worn Wiring

A final habit to take on is updating your old and worn wiring when it is found. If you see that outlets, wiring or fuse boxes are outdated, then call an electrician in Miami to come and update your system. This can prevent hazards like electrocution and fires. It also makes your home more energy-efficient.

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3 Mindset Changes That Can Lower Your Electric Bill

Utilities across the country continue to raise rates for electricity. Unfortunately, Miami residents have paid the price for such increases more so than many cities. A high electric bill weighs down on a person’s ability to save money and handle more important expenses. Various tactics can be utilized to lower monthly or annual energy usage. For the best results, homeowners should opt for a change in mindset to realize savings.

The following mindset changes could lower your electric bill:

1. Consider your utility an ally rather than an adversary.

If you’re like most homeowners, then you see the utility company as the enemy. They’re the ones charging you for energy usage and raising rates after all. However, utilities often provide a variety of incentives for homeowners. It’s common to see utilities offering discounts on energy efficient appliances, or providing a bill credit. Working with your utility company could yield substantial savings each month.

2. Realize that energy savings helps everyone, not just your bill.

By saving energy, you make the active decision to help more than yourself. A lower bill means you’re using less energy; less energy usage conserves resources. Your aim for less electricity usage each month is both selfish and selfless at the same time. Without a doubt, you should consider how your actions benefit everyone else in Miami and elsewhere. When everyone conserves energy, everyone saves – in more than a financial manner.

3. Think of energy savings as a game of tinkering and projects.

Perhaps you enjoy projects around the house that involve getting dirty. You might like building additions to the property, or customizing certain areas. Well, the same type of tinkering could lead to a lower electric bill. You could make your house more energy efficient in countless ways and reap the savings thereafter. A Miami electrician should handle electrical work to avoid issues, but various changes can be made to save money.

As a bonus mindset change, you might want to consider hiring an electrician in Miami today. These professionals can perform an energy audit of your home and ensure that the electrical system is working properly. Minor issues could waste hundreds of dollars in electricity each year, and that’s not acceptable. In the end, a few simple mindset changes with regards to energy usage could slash your bill by a third or more annually!

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4 Secrets to Lowering Your Home Electric Bill

Your electricity bill is a utility that you can directly control in Miami. Many people waste electricity or have bad habits the increase the bills significantly. There are often things you can do to save money. Here are four secrets to lowering your home electricity bill.

Unplug Everything Unnecessary

One of the simplest secrets to lowering your electric bill is to unplug everything unnecessary. Anything that is plugged into an outlet is going to be drawing power from your Miami home. This includes disconnected cell phone chargers, appliances turned off and computers in sleep mode. Take a second to completely unplug everything from the outlets when you are done using an item. This will lower your bills over time.

Get Occupancy Sensors for Lights

A very effective secret to lower your electric bill is to get occupancy sensors for the lights in your home. Occupancy sensors detect when someone is in a room and turns the lights on. They also turn the lights off automatically when no one is detected in a room or area. Lights can make up anywhere from 10 to 25 percent of your power bill. These inexpensive sensors will work with lamps or recessed lights. You could hire a professional electrician in Miami to install the occupancy sensors quickly around your house.

Keep Your Electrical System in Good Condition

A major problem that can increase your energy bills is an electrical system that has not been maintained. You need to keep your electrical system in good condition to make sure that it is not generating high levels or resistance, losing current or threatening the safety of your home. The best way to do this is by contacting a Miami electrician to make repairs whenever the slightest problem arises.

Run Major Appliances during Off-Peak Hours

A final secret to really lowering your electricity bill in Miami is to run your major appliances only during off-peak hours. These hours are generally very early in the morning or late in the evening. You pay much less for power during off-peak hours. If you wait to run dishwashers, washing machines and other large appliances until these periods, then you will see your electricity bill go down. You can check the exact off-peak hours with your electricity provider.

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5 Electrical Safety Tips When Using High-Power Appliances

High-powered appliances can be incredibly useful in your Miami home. They allow you to do more. The appliances also have an added element of danger since they do use more power. Here are five electrical safety tips when using high-power appliances.

Opt For Professional Installation

If you get a new high-power appliance, then you should opt for professional installation if possible. Many of these appliances need to be installed in a very specific way in order to prevent problems. Contact a local Miami electrician to help with the installation. This will ensure everything is operating as intended.

Always Use As Intended

High-powered appliances are sometimes used to do things that they were not intended to in Miami. It might be tempting to figure out some clever new use for the appliance. It is critical that you always use the appliance as intended. Use if for only what it was designed for by the manufacturer. This will prevent injuries and other potential electrical hazards.

Be Gentle

Although high-power appliances are made to be durable and strong, you should still be gentle when using one. Do not try to push the appliance past the normal limits. Additionally, do not use the appliance intensely for hours on end. It is not meant to be a commercial appliance. Doing this will keep you safe and extend the life of the high-powered appliance.

Never Poke, Prod or Modify Appliances

If something seems a little off or slightly inconvenient with an appliance, then many people attempt to poke, prod or modify the unit to fix the issue. You should never do this. Do not stick items into a high-power appliance since you could be electrocuted or damage the wiring inside of the unit. You also never want to attempt to modify a high-powered appliance since it will make it less safe.

Have Appliances Services and Repaired Regularly

A final tip is to have your high-power appliances serviced and repaired regularly. You want to call in an electrician in Miami to fix any problems that appear as soon as possible. You might also want an electrician to inspect the appliance once every one to three years to keep it working as safely and efficiently as possible.

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10 Easy Ways to Save Big on Your Next Electric Bill

With a temperate climate year around it is no surprise that many people choose to call Florida home. Unfortunately, living in such a warm climate also means having an electric bill that can be in the hundreds of dollars each month. The good news is there are steps homeowners can take to save on their electric bill.

1. Seal leaks around windows and doors with caulk and/or weatherstripping; this also includes the area around wood trim. By doing this, warm air stays outside and cooled air stays inside.

2. Replace old light fixtures with Energy Star products; this can be performed by a licensed electrician in Miami.

3. Choose energy-efficient appliances, especially if they were built before 2001. Not only will you save money on your electric bill each month, you may also qualify for a tax credit.

4. When doing laundry, wash and dry several loads at once. This way, the dryer doesn’t completely cool down and takes less time to heat up for the next load. Also make sure to clean out the lint trap after each use.

5. Consider replacing an older TV with an Energy Star certified model as they are 20-30 percent more efficient.

6. Don’t let the sun overheat your home. Use light colored shades, blinds and drapes to let light in but keep heat out.

7. Install ceiling fans in most rooms. They only use as much electricity as a standard light fixture however the breeze generated by the fan can make you feel several degrees cooler. This means the thermostat can be set a few degrees higher, resulting in a savings of up to 2-3%. Make sure existing ceiling fans are switched to turn counterclockwise.

8. Running an inefficient AC system is expensive. Make sure air filters are changed at least once a month to keep the unit running at peak performance.

9. Unplug battery chargers when not in use. Many chargers draw power continuously, even when nothing is being charged.

10. Ask your utility company if they have a “smart” metering program. A “smart” meter tracks the amount of electricity used; this data is then used to make sure the power grid doesn’t become overloaded. If the grid reaches near blackout levels the meter can shut off major appliances in the home for short periods of time. Not all utility companies offer this but it is becoming increasingly popular.

These are just a few of the options available to help lower your monthly electric bill. Consider scheduling an appointment with a Miami electrician who can offer more advice on ways to save.

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5 Important Electrical Safety Tips When Storing Your Electric Car

Electrical cars, like any other electrical device that utilizes rechargeable batteries, slowly discharges over time. If the electrical car is left in a low charge state for so long, it could lead to the destruction of the car’s traction battery pack. This is the reason why it is extremely important to observe several electrical safety tips before you store your electric car. Below are some of these useful tips.

Leaving it Plugged In

You can ensure that the packs of your car’s traction battery do not get destroyed by leaving the electric car plugged into a charging station that is suitable. In order to determine that your available charging station is suitable, consult your preferred electrician in Miami. The electrician will guide you in getting the most suitable charging station and also help you time charge it so that it will finish charging by the time you get back.

Use Storage Mode

After plugging in the car that you will not be using for a considerable period of time, you should set it to the storage mode if it has one. This will enable the firmware of the vehicle to take care of the car’s batteries. Ensure that the vehicle is also stored in a cool non-freezing location and only charge the batteries up to 60 percent.

Avoid fast Charging

You should minimize the use of DC quick chargers that promote fast charging. You should have a Miami electrician to guide you on the right DC chargers to use when charging your electric vehicle. This will help extend the battery’s lifetime.

Time-of-Use Plans

In order to cut down on the energy bills of your home, you could plan to use TOU plans that enable you to program to charge your electric car during off-peak hours. These hours could be anytime after midnight when there is low demand on the grid and the rates are a bit friendly at those hours. There are some internet-enabled electric vehicles that make it possible to control their charging using a Smartphone app. One can utilize this innovation and monitor the car charge levels as well as initiate charging during the off-peak hours.

Use of the Right Electrical Equipment

Ensure that all the cords you use for charging are safe and working well. Observe all general electrical safety tips. Hire an electrician to help you.

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Three Electric Safety Tips When Putting Up Your Holiday Lights

Holiday lights are displayed on many homes during the winter season. However, the installation and use of these lights present some hazards. The good news is that by following a few simple tips, homeowners can install and use lights in a safe manner.

Ladder Safety

Many holiday light injuries occur due to people getting hurt on a ladders. Ladders should never be used near electric wiring. Ideally, only wood or fiberglass ladders should be used to reduce the risk of electric shock.A person should only climb on a ladder when another person is there to help hold the ladder and to assist in the event of an injury. It is also important to keep the strings of light away from the person climbing the ladder to prevent him or her from tripping on the lights.

Proper Electrical Equipment

The biggest problem with holiday lights is that they are often improperly installed for outdoor use. When installing outdoor lights, homeowners need to be certain to use lights and extension cords that are designed for outdoor use and that the extension cords are rated for the needed amperage level. As any electrician in Miami can attest, the are’s bright sunlight will weaken the insulation on wiring. When reusing lights from previous years, it is important to inspect the insulation for problems. If there is any doubt as to the safety of the lights, the lights should be discarded

Proper Outlets

Outdoor lights should be plugged into an outlet protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). These outlets are designed to quickly cut off the power in the event on an electric overload, such as might happen if a light cord short circuits or a person becomes shocked from the cords. GFCI outlets are commonly found in kitchens and bathroom, but can be installed anywhere. They are ideal for any outdoor use and a Miami electrician can quickly install them where needed.

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Three Things to Do During a Home Electrical Fire

An electrical fire can occur in any home, and experiencing anxiety can worsen the situation. When an electrical fire happens, moving fast can prevent serious injuries. Electrical fires spread swiftly. This is especially true when the fire is burning in the walls. Everyone needs to know how to handle such a hazardous situation. A Miami electrician can check the electrical wiring in your home. Here are three things you need to do during and after an electrical fire.

Assess the Situation

Assess the severity of the problem. If the fire is growing fast, leave the house immediately. Do not try and re-enter your home until the fire is extinguished. Your safety comes before any material items. Contact the fire department, and let the emergency responders know that it is an electrical fire.

Turn Off the Breakers

If fire is not blocking the circuit breaker, turn off the breakers. Your circuit breaker should be in an accessible location. Make sure your hands are dry before turning off the breakers. Do not turn the breakers if the fire is near the circuit box. After cutting off the electricity, spray the fire with a fire extinguisher. Baking soda can be used to extinguish an electrical fire. Never pour water on an electrical fire.

Inspect Your Wiring

Before turning on the electricity, have your wiring inspected by an electrician in Miami. Being aware of potential fire hazards is the best way to prevent electrical fires. Inspect your appliances on a regular basis, and always unplug heat generating appliances before leaving your home.

Unplug malfunctioning appliances, and do not overload surge protectors. Keep space heaters away from curtains, and keep water away from electrical sockets. The batteries in your smoke detector should be replaced at least once a year.

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5 Home Electric Safety Tips When Going on Vacation

Whenever you leave your home, whether it’s for an extended vacation or a quick getaway for the weekend, it’s important to take a few additional safety precautions to ensure the house keeps safe until you return. In most cases, you might think this means ensuring the house is protected from burglars looking to take your valuables, but true safety extends to protecting from on-site dangers too, such as electricity.

The following are five quick tips to keep in mind whenever you’re planning to leave your house for an extended period of time — say any period over 24 hours at a time.

1. Examine all cords for any kinks, frays or cracks along the way, such as on extension cords, holiday lights or power tools. You should do this regularly, in fact.

2. Don’t keep the lights on at home for the whole vacation to give the illusion of someone at home. The electric bill won’t thank you for it, nor would the environment. Instead, consider getting a light switch timer that can adjust the lights by adhering to an on/off schedule. Any criminals that might be monitoring your house for changing lights will assume someone is home when they notice the lights changing.

3. Unplug anything that doesn’t need to be kept on during vacation, except for the timers. By keeping most appliances unplugged, there is less of a chance of coming home to a power surge or electrical fire. Unplug things like the coffee maker, televisions, the toaster and anything else that doesn’t use a light.

4. Prune the trees near power lines in your backyard. Keep the trees trimmed where power lines reach the house, as well.

5. Set the thermostat to keep your electricity bill low. During the winter, setting the heat to 55 degrees will prevent the pipes from freezing. During the summer, setting it to 85 will prevent excessive heat from entering the home while still saving greatly on energy.

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