Our home is supposed to be a safe environment for us to live in, unfortunately there are too many instances where we leave things in a less than friendly state. Although home security may be on the minds of many residents, we could be our own worst enemy, especially as it relates to our electrical safety. Let us take a quick look at some of the Cutler Bay electrical issues that could be threatening our safety at home.
Many safety hazards can be traced back to the kitchen and although some of those tragedies may have been initiated through food preparation, electricity can also be a major cause.
+ Are all unused appliances unplugged from the wall outlets?
+ Are you allowing any electrical cords to fall victim of water in the sink or the hot surfaces of the stove?
+ Are the on and off switches of your stove clearly marked so as to avoid leaving them on in error?
Electric heaters are another source of danger in the home and could easily be avoided by following some of these steps;
+ Does your heater carry a sticker from a reputable laboratory that tests for efficiency?
+ Is the unit showing any tell tale signs that suggest it may need to be repaired like a loose connection or frayed wiring?
+ When using the heater are you keeping it away from any drapes or other flammable materials?
The average household may not have enough outlets to withstand the amount of electrical devices that we own, which is why the use of extension cords are so popular.
+ Do you have an extension cord permanently mounted and used for one or more of your appliances or electrical devices?
+ If you do, is that extension cord loosely positioned so as to be a trip hazard, which could eventually become a fire hazard?
+ Is your extension cord overloaded with devices that could overheat the cord and eventually turn from soft plastic into a fiery ignition?
During the colder months and around the holidays we have a habit of introducing electrical devices that are not necessarily used during other periods of the year.
+ Are we checking the wiring of our Christmas tree lights for rips, shorts and frays before installing it on our tree?
+ Have we double checked our electric blanket for areas of damage, especially around the element and coil, remember that an electric blanket has a life span of about 10 years.
+ When in doubt, throw it out!
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